GUNNAR at AngelHack LA & SF

GUNNAR at AngelHack LA & SF: 21st Century Hacking with AngelHack Accelerator Hackathons The tech world has come a long way from the time when the world “hacker” brought with it a general sense of fear and computer insecurity. Where the hacker was once a force of evil when it came to computer security, the hacker has become something of a…

The Artist’s Hackathon at SXSW 2013

GUNNAR Optiks was happy to be part of the Backplane/Spotify Artist’s Hack at SXSW 2013 along with other notable partners like Coca-Cola, PayPal, NASDAQ, Qualcomm, and EA to support a collaborative hackathon that was dedicated to building the future of music, art, and video. Among others, we were lucky to meet Cory Booker – the current Mayor of Newark, New…

CES 2013: Aisles Upon Aisles of iPhone Cases

Last week in Las Vegas, Nevada the annual CES convention descended upon the desert. Hundreds of thousands of investors, venture capitalists, technologists, media writers, tech enthusiasts, company executives and hopeful product ambassadors gathered in the largest and most egregious display of modern consumer electronics since last year. The world opened up and Japanese tourists wearing an abundance of plaid held…

San Diego Comic-Con 2012 Recap

The San Diego International Comic-Con, aka the largest gathering of trekkies, gamers, and celebrities all gathered downtown to celebrate the nerd lifestyle. And of course GUNNAR Optiks was present the entire time!   Xbox hosted a gaming lounge on the second floor of the Hard Rock Hotel inside the “Legends” room. Complete with 50+ gaming stations and 3 Kinect stages, Borderlands…

Comic-Con 2012: One Big Tease

Comic-Con 2012: One Big Tease As another San Diego Comic-Con wrapped up this past weekend, I thought of the best way to sum up an event that not only did I not attend, but viewed incessently from the outside. I’m sure there is a sense of crowd excitement and mentality when going to Comic-Con, between that, the cosplay girls and…

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