Being 28 years old and being in front of a computer since the age of 8, eye strain was something I felt long before clear LED screens. As my progression and love for all things computers evolved into college, the amount of time I spent behind a screen increased more and more. Now onto my profession of being a support engineer for a major software company, its now even more important for me to retain comfort and the ability to concentrate 8+ hours a day behind a computer. I took a leap of faith last year and bought a pair of Gunnar eye-wear on an impulse buy at a retailer. Through much abuse out of a case and the daily wearing Im still on my very first pair. Durable, very scratch resistant, I am a firm believer in this eye wear so much that Ive convinced co workers and even my father whom is almost 60 years old to adorn and wear a pair. Its not very often you find a diamond in the rough on an impulse buy, and surely not something that lasts as long under so much abuse. I almost wish I had to wear prescription glasses everywhere just so that I could buy a pair from Gunnars custom made for me. Im a Gunnar wearer for life and so is my father. Even if I dont win the best comment, I just wanted to send my heartfelt thank you for making my time behind the cold desolate computer screen that much better.
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