Gamer Soundtracks: XoC Travels Divergent Timelines

Gamer Soundtracks: XoC Travels Divergent Timelines In reviewing music, hip-hop in particular, you tend to look for idiosyncrasies within the music in order to distinguish it from the others. At first, it was simply being in the genre of nerdcore that distinguished certain hip-hop acts from the mainstream ones. Now, within that genre, and as it begins to branch out…

Gamer Soundtracks: King Pheenix, Best in the World

Gamer Soundtracks: King Pheenix, Best in the World by Curtis Silver In the nerdcore hip/hop genre it’s undeniable that a great force of the artists and their fans are gamers. Some more hardcore than others. This gaming attitude permeates into their music, whether directly through lyrics or through tone. In the case of King Pheenix and his latest release B.I.T.W…

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