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GUNNAR Optiks, the world’s leading manufacturer of computer eyewear today announced that they have expanded their collection of prescription available styles in response to increasing demand for custom computer and gaming glasses. GUNNAR continues to focus on developing ergonomically correct solutions to accommodate both prescription and non-prescription digital users.


One of the most annoying issues for those who wear prescription glasses has always been that of glare and being able to wear other protective lenses. Either the wearer switches to contacts to be able to wear things like gaming glasses or sunglasses, or they just live life without ever being able to switch off that horrible glare. Well, GUNNAR Optiks recognizes the portion of the population that wasn’t born with perfect eyesight and has expanded their line of Rx capable frames.

According to The Vision Council, “Digital eye strain is the most common computer-related repetitive strain injury, surpassing carpal tunnel and tendonitis.” They also note a University of Pennsylvania study that found that adults with prescription contact lenses and eyeglasses are more likely to experience symptoms of digital eye strain, including eye, neck and back pain. Experts attribute this to use of prescription eyewear that is not specifically designed for computer or screen viewing. GUNNAR Advanced Computer Eyewear is designed with proper visual ergonomics in mind and addresses specific issues related to digital viewing for people that require corrective lenses.

“As the worldwide leader in computer eyewear, our Rx offering shows our commitment to the hard core computer user,” says Joe Croft, Co-Founder of GUNNAR Optiks. We know that there are general purpose lenses that can be applied to computer use, but we’d compare that to wearing penny loafers to run a marathon. We encourage everyone to get appropriate GUNNARs for the task.”

There is a trend with prescription glasses in the business and gaming community; users are needing Rx lenses earlier and earlier in life. This is most likely due to the use of digital screens earlier in life than previous generations. While the baby boomers didn’t use digital screens full time until later in life, their grandchildren are born with an iPad in hand. This immediate digital influence on developing eyes has possibly caused a shift in the need for prescription lenses. It’s only a logical progression that GUNNAR glasses, already the go-to for protecting your eyes, would fully embrace the prescription market with adapting more of their popular styles for Rx. These styles will be available with GUNNAR Rx lenses or Carl Zeiss premium lenses.

carl_zeiss_visionGUNNARS prescription program is supported and administered by Carl Zeiss Vision, the worldwide leader in precision optics for the last 160 years. GUNNAR HD SINGLE VISION lenses incorporate Carl Zeiss Vision’s premium customized high-definition optics. With technically superior geometry optimized for each prescription, GUNNAR HD SINGLE VISION lenses deliver unsurpassed clarity and wider peripheral viewing without the compromises of traditional prescription lenses. Incorporating addition power, GUNNAR ERGO HD lenses combine Carl Zeiss Vision’s patented high-definition customized lens optics with GUNNAR’S ergonomically designed frames.

GUNNAR offers three options for purchasing custom prescription eyewear; visit a Carl Zeiss Vision authorized eye care provider, visit your personal eye care provider or order prescription GUNNARS online. GUNNAR prescription eyewear is covered by most vision insurance as well as HSA/FSA plans.

GUNNAR has added these four frames, in various colors and lens tints:

InterceptINTERCEPT (Amber tint; Onyx)

HausHAUS (Amber or Crystalline tint; Onyx, Tortoise, Onyx/Fade)

JouleJOULE (Amber or Crystalline tint; Onyx, Tortoise, Amethyst)

VayperVAYPER (Amber tint; Onyx, Mercury, Neptune)

As many prescription eyewear users can attest, they wear their glasses every waking hour. GUNNAR glasses are made to last and while some styles are definitely modeled for late night gaming sessions, many of the computer styles are designed for full-time everyday use. The Amber lenses are designed to block that harsh blue light from digital devices, while the Crystalline lenses are designed to relax and focus the eyes while allowing the full color spectrum to be visible to the user. Crystalline lenses are available in Rx, and aimed towards graphic designers and those who work in true color. Either way, both lenses are designed to protect your eyes every second the glasses are being worn.

As Megu Kobayashi, Director of Interactive Marketing for GUNNAR Optiks points out, Rx glasses can also be used in conjunction with contacts and non-Rx GUNNAR glasses.

“After a long day in front of digital screens with my contacts and non-prescription GUNNARS on, my prescription GUNNARs are a relief for when I get home and remove my contacts. They allow me to continue gaming into the night with no eyestrain.”

For some, that’s the opposite, for others that is just another perfect scenario for prescription GUNNAR glasses.

For more information and to view all the GUNNAR styles available with prescription lenses, please visit:

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