Posted in Blogs

50 Cent

So if you haven’t heard by now, GUNNAR has got the internet going nuts with the latest news about 50 Cent’s involvement in GUNNAR Optiks.

Yes, it’s true: 50 is an investor in our company and has been helping promote our products.

50 Stays Stuntin' in his Sparrows!

I look forward to seeing how this relationship flourishes and ya’ll should be excited to see what we have in store in the future!

So our friends @ Activision/Treyarch sent us a gift today; with our relationship with them for the Black Ops Glass, I think everyone may have an idea of what we got…

Prestige Edition!

I can't wait to take this guy for a spin around the office!

Many thanks for the gifts guys! It looks like we will be spending the next few days not doing any work 😉

Well that wraps up things for now, happy almost Friday everyone!

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