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Computer Vision Syndrome

BetaBeat recently published an article about the perils and symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome along with a solution – GUNNAR Optiks! Read on for a synopsis of the article, with a link to read the full post.


Computers are killing us. This is evident by the advent of yet another tech-related menace: Computer Vision Syndrome.

Computer Vision Syndrome, or C.V.S., has joined Text Neck and Internet Withdrawal in the dark pantheon of newfangled maladies associated with our non-stop daily diet of digital distraction. If it’s easy to see this text you may be fine, but check out the American Optometric Association’s explanation of the disorder and list of symptoms (handy for use in a future a Workman’s Compensation claim!) anyway:

Computer Vision Syndrome describes a group of eye and vision-related problems that result from prolonged computer use. Many individuals experience eye discomfort and vision problems when viewing a computer screen for extended periods. The level of discomfort appears to increase with the amount of computer use.

The most common symptoms associated with Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) are

  • eyestrain
  • headaches
  • blurred vision
  • dry eyes
  • neck and shoulder pain

If each bullet point in the A.O.A.’s list made your heart beat a little faster, have no fear–naturally, there are companies fully prepared to sell you products to combat the problem. Gunnar Optiks, founded by Matt and Jen Michelsen and Joe Croft (a former Business Unit General Manager for eyewear and apparel giant Oakley), carries a line of “Advanced Computer Eyewear” designed to relieve C.V.S.

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