Gunnar Optiks Emissary – Review

When one of our readers asked that we review a pair of Gunnar Optiks revolutionary computer glasses, my first question was “What are computer glasses?” Once I had researched a bit, I was slightly taken aback at the idea that I, with my 20/20 vision, would ever need a pair of these “computer glasses” that supposedly reduce eye strain, and even make…

Gamer Soundtracks: Benjamin Bear is the Wizard

Gamer Soundtracks: Benjamin Bear is the Wizard The rap game is not always one that is played on an even playing field. While the mainstream corrals the sheep on Top 40 radio, independent hip-hop artists push their creative boundaries and focus strong on the art of the lyrics and music. The segmentation at the independent levels of hip-hop is full…

Curse Loot: Beta Testing GUNNARS Latest Gaming Eyewear

This Fall GUNNAR Optiks launched a community testing program with intended to educate and provide unbiased feedback regarding GUNNAR eyewear to the Curse community. The beta-testers included 6 active community members, 3 Community Managers, and a few employees. Each of them provided their perspective on GUNNARS from different points of view as a gamer, computer user, and…

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